Perfect, Hands-Free, Automatic CPR
Let the CPR machine do the work for you! The Life-Stat delivers CPR to the patient in accordance with the latest AHA guidelines. Compressions are uninterrupted.
Lightweight and Easy to Operate
The Life-Stat is lightweight – 19.5 lbs. (8.8 kg) – and easy to use. It can be incorporated into a hospital “crash cart” setup, or it may be stored in a case that is easily accessed and fits into most standard ambulance storage compartments. Setting the unit up takes seconds and requires minimal interruption to CPR.
It Doesn’t Quit
Life-Stat provides perfect CPR for as long as you need. Its electronic control module allows users to switch instantaneously from 30:2 to CCV mode, provides professionals with a pause/resume feature and uses a long-life 9-volt battery (for the control panel). These batteries can even be “hot swapped” while the unit is running, providing complete and uninterrupted CPR no matter what. All you need is a high-pressure oxygen source.
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